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Feedback Professor Meyers v2

You state this is the first sentence of your Abstract: "(1) Characters are what drive the plot in stories and gain the public’s interest in them" and then previously, in your first statement you stated "(2) Utilizing an interactive, web-based document to take an in depth look at character design stereotypes that are currently plaguing the animation, game and visual effects industry and the importance of pushing more diverse designs through the 3D character pipeline to fill current character voids."

Line one state the IMPACT and MOTIVATION. So I am sensing you sre ststing that IF we veared AWAY from stereotype and included more character designers that gamers could actually relate to... then the result would contribute to a MORE COMPELLING PLOT and GREATER INTEREST"?

If this is the case, you must state you Proposal" and then the "result" -- For example, something along the lines of...

///// By utilizing real-world character types and avoiding the typical sexual, physical and ethnic stereotypes, a game can garner greater interest, participation and display a more inclusive, therefore engaging plot /////

Michael - I am NOT suggest that this be your statement but rather (but note the structure)... "By utilizing real-world character types and avoiding the typical sexual, physical and ethnic stereotypes" SETS UP AND POSITIONS THE THESIS and ... "garner greater interest, participation and display a more inclusive, therefore engaging plot" POSES THE RESULT... Note that the RESULT is what you are basically proposing as "new knowledge" or "pushing the existing knowledge" be.

As it stands currently, your statement is sort of a fragmented statement about what you will do, but with no indication of what you are setting our to prove, or disprove.

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