Thesis Abstract
Thesis Statement
It’s important to push diverse designs through the 3D character pipeline to fill current character voids, game characters that adhere to the most common stereotypes have an undesired effect on gamers and society as a whole.
Thesis Abstract
Characters are what drive the plot in stories and gain the public’s interest in them, which directly affects book, game and theatre ticket sales. This influence characters have over the success of the stories in which they exist puts a great deal of importance in the appeal of their design. This is the driving force behind character designs being manipulated into nonrepresentational figures, attempting to grab the interest of a specific consumer demographic and resulting in a slew of stereotypical characters that embody a powerful white male and, of course, the hypersexualized female. Entertainment media effects how people view themselves and the world around them. This thesis proposes that the underrepresentation of elders, minority groups and people with an average, or less than average, physique unintentionally inflicts an illicit mindset that the individuals who form these demographics have less value in our society. By recognizing and breaking down these popular character design stereotypes one can evaluate how to conduct subtle shifts in design trends that introduce a more diverse character profile that better represents the individuals that make up our culture. Widening the diversity of character designs in an easy to digest and appealing manner will shift our media experiences to include under-represented demographics, and will begin to positively shape the attitudes of America’s population towards them.